Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Icy Adventure~ adventure #1

We set off around 2:25. staring at Izzi's House. We set off to explore the woods of~ Dayspring Park

This is our 1st adventure. we apologize for lack of footage. we had camera difficulties, We feel bad.
This is our inventory:
  • A Thermos of Hershey's bliss hot cocoa
  • A note book
  • A clipboard
  • And two pens
Kelsey, I and our close friends Chester Bourland, and Zack Orange headed off to Dayspring. The snow was blowing hard in our faces. But we pressed on. On the corner of Garfield we stopped.
"Once we cross this street there is no going back." Kelsey said. "If you are a coward go home now." I said. " Okay." Zack joked and started to walk back. We held hands and crossed the street.

We got to Bourland and crossed Columbia Terrace and headed down Bourland. The street was quiet....really quiet. And there ahead was Dayspring Park we got to the pavilion and and we brushed off snow of the table and we found a fleece blue blanket, neatly folded underneath the snow.

We all sat down and prayed this solemn prayer.
"Dear Lord, thank you for our only thermos of hot cocoa. Amen"

We all took a sip of cocoa and headed off to the woods. We soon came across an exiting thing: Deer Tracks. that was when the adventure really began. We went and followed the tracks, exited to find something worthwhile. We finally got to a broken fence where the tracks went on. not wanting to trespass, we left that part of the woods. We headed down the main part of the woods and Zack started to get very cold. "Can we go home now?" He pleaded over and over.We reached a long fence that gradually slanted, until it got to the point where you could just walk over it. But Kelsey informed us that it probably illegal so we didn't go. Zack was getting very cold. But we pressed on. Soon the fence went even closer to the highway. There was about two feet space from the road to the fence.

Chester was the only one who got really close the rest of us stayed at a distance.

Then Zack was freezing! His face was literally as red as my bright red coat.
Chester took off his coat and gave Zack his hoodie he was wearing underneath his coat. And his gloves. We wrapped Zack up in the fleece blanket we had found and forced him to drink the cocoa so he would get warm. We quickly headed back up to the park.

We quickly headed back to Orange Street. And arrived at the warm house of Kelsey Lamen. Zack was safe and no longer freezing as well as the rest of us.

This concludes the first adventure of Kelsey Lamen and Izzi Lizzi.

~Kelsey Lamen =) ~

Izzi Lizzi


  1. Haha, great job, girls! Well told, and that graffic thing up there is awesome! I look forward to more!

  2. Thank you! we were cold, and it was more adventures than i thought it would be. its weird, it seems like a fictoin story, but it actually happened!

    ~(= Kelsey Lamen =)~

  3. It certainly sounds like an adventure. :) I'm torn between wanting you to have more such things to write about and hoping you don't get anything TOO interesting to read about. ;)

    1. Yeah we won't do something to dangerous. :D
      And I told the story to Noah and Justice (my little brothers) and Justice kept asking. "Are you sure that this is true?" And I reply. "Yes everything I am telling you is true." And I showed him the blanket we found and he went like this. "Noah! Noah! Come here! Look it's the real blanket that they found!" And he said ,when I was going to tell the story again, to Isaac. "It's all true."

  4. =) I hope that It works out with a good balance between
    Adventure-Safeness, too! thanks for commenting!

    ~(= Kelsey Lamen =)~
